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Healing takes Courage,
let us be your Guide

We understand that life can be challenging and it is hard to cope with it on your own. Asking for help and support in those times can be difficult.

We at Guiding lights aim to make this as easy as possible for you. 

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 An online counseling service based in India

We provide you with a safe, non-judgmental and confidential space for exploring your thoughts and feelings

Let us be your guiding lights towards healing! 

Our Services

We use a variety of therapeutic approaches to help you work on your overall well-being. We're here to help you make positive changes and live a more fulfilling life.

Areas we can help you in :

Anxiety | Depression | Relationship issues | Stress | Grief | Family issues | Trauma 


Counselling is a form of talk therapy that involves speaking with a trained professional to address emotional, psychological, and behavioural issues and to learn to cope with them.

The goal is to provide support, guidance, and practical coping strategies.


EFT stands for "Emotional Freedom Techniques."
It's a type of therapy that involves tapping on specific acupressure points on the body while focusing on a particular negative emotion or physical pain.

The goal of EFT is to release blockages in the body's energy system and alleviate symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression and other psychological issues.

Mental Health Workshops

Our workshops cover a range of topics tailored to meet the diverse needs of our participants. Whether you're looking to build stress management skills, improve communication, or enhance self-care practices, our expert facilitators provide engaging sessions filled with interactive exercises, group discussions, and evidence-based strategies

What Clients have to Say


I became Renu Seshadri's client during the peak of the pandemic, and instead of the pandemic taking a mental toll on me, we worked together to throw away most of my anxieties, and taught me to take care of myself.
It's the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Therapy Process

Stage 1 of therapy process
Goal setting in therapy
Working on issues one by one in therapy
Activities for improving mental health
Progress in therapy
Re-evaluating therapy goals

Initial session to get to know you and your concerns better

Goal setting for your sessions

Working through your concerns one by one at your own pace

Engaging with activities outside sessions to apply what was discussed in session

Checking progress on your goals from time to time

Re- evaluation of goals or discussion of termination of therapy

**Important Note

This is a rough structure of how therapy looks like. Please note that every person is different and will experience therapy very differently. Some people see progress quickly while others may require some more time. Therapy is a journey and it will have its ups and downs. All we need is patience and compassion towards ourselves in this journey. 

Choose us because

mental health

Evidence- Based 


Affordable counseling service by guiding lights counseling


500 +

Client base

trauma informed therapy session by guiding lights counseling



Queer friendly, lgbtq+ friendly therapy counseling sessions by guding lights counseling



sessions can be taken on multiple medimus by guiding lights counseling


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