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Services offered at Guiding Lights

Explore our services at Guiding Lights, where we specialize in counseling and EFT. Our counselors are trauma-informed, LGBTQ+ friendly, and backed by extensive experience, having helped over 500 clients on their unique journeys to emotional well-being.


Talk therapy

Talk therapy

Addressing common mental health issues

Addressing common issues

Variety of therapeutic techniques

Variety of therapeutic techniques

Duration of therapy sessions

Short-term or


Counselling is a form of talk therapy that focuses on working through specific issues and improving overall mental health and well-being.
They use a variety of therapeutic techniques to help clients improve their coping skills, resolve conflicts, and achieve their goals.

It can be short-term or long-term, depending on the nature and severity of the presenting issue and the goals of the client.


Common issues addressed in counseling include depression, anxiety, stress, relationship problems, grief and loss, addiction, and life transitions.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

Tapping on specific accupressure points

Tapping on specific acupressure points

Balance the body's energy through tapping sessions

Balance the
body's energy system

Energy Psychology

Energy Psychology

Simple to learn

Simple to Learn

It's a type of therapy that involves tapping on specific acupressure points on the body while focusing on a particular negative emotion or physical pain.
The goal of EFT is to release blockages in the body's energy system and alleviate symptoms of stress, anxiety, and other psychological issues. 

EFT is simple to learn and can be performed on oneself or with the help of a practitioner. During an EFT session, the individual focuses on a specific issue or feeling, such as anxiety, fear, or anger, while tapping on specific points on the face and hands.

Terms & Conditions


  • After making the payment, you can book a session from the calendar. 

  • An intake form will be shared with you prior to your first session for documentation purposes.

  • If you have opted for a video call session, the session will be conducted online through Google meet. The link will be shared half an hour prior to the session.

  • Audio sessions will be conducted through WhatsApp.

  • At your own discretion you can decide to opt for a session package or individual sessions. There are no strict rules around that.

  • Sessions will be conducted in Hindi or English as per your preference.



  • ​​If you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, please send a WhatsApp message on +91 7304084515 or email to at least 6-8 hours in advance.

  • Clients are allowed to cancel or reschedule a session only once at the last minute. Following that failure to inform prior to our session will unfortunately mean that the session has been taken and you will have to pay and book another session. 

  • If the client is late for the session for more than 15 minutes, without informing the psychologist, then it will be considered as no-show and the session will be counted as taken.

  • If due to a certain emergency the psychologist needs to reschedule the appointment
    then the client will not be charged for that.

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